to show up in this world
unapologetically authentic?
Do you want deeper
and more powerful connections?
My name is RENÉE BURWELL, and I come from a strong maternal line of healers and spiritual guides. I was born into this world as a symbol of light within the shadows of oppression. My presence is a symbol of pain, struggle, darkness, strength, courage, compassion, and love. I embrace both the shadow and light to work in a space of healing. I believe we all have purpose in this world, and I have a gift in helping people regain connection with their gifts and creativity.

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Do you want to live a life with stronger connections to your creativity and sexuality?
Creativity comes in many forms. I define creativity as one’s ability to manifest and create a life in alignment with divine purpose. Divine purpose is not based in religion, rules, and other’s expectations, but is found within our dreams and desires. It is found within our sacral chakra of passion and purpose. Our sacral chakra holds our creativity, feelings, sexuality, intimacy, and connection.
Sometimes our imagination and creativity get stifled by societal and other’s expectations, past trauma, life demands, and inadequate self-care, and we begin to paint pictures that are not in optimal alignment with our progress and development.
I am here to help you find the tools to break down the barriers that are preventing you from obtaining the connections you truly desire.

Are you a healer looking for
guidance and clarity?
I have close to two decades of experience working with individuals, couples, and families. I have worked in almost every aspect of social work there is in my career. I have held hands while in delivery rooms to transitions in death as a medical social worker. I have worked in homeless shelters, with domestic violence victims, sex trafficking, foster care, and now I work with individuals, couples and providers in healing trauma and increasing pleasure as a sex therapist and educator.
I have become a therapist and coach to healers and artists of many forms, and would love to help those needing guidance, clarity and healing along their journey. I am available for one-on-one sessions. I host a variety of workshops, in-person and virtually, on working with diverse populations, the basics in including sexuality in your practice, sexuality attitude reassessments, and trauma-informed care. Currently, I have a waiting list for those looking for supervision as a licensed clinical social worker or those looking to be certified as an AASECT-certified sex therapist.

Tennessee and Northern Mississippi Community Board Member

2018 Sex Educator of the Year